The anti hunters have been known for creating, sharing, and signing petitions that would in any way encroach on people's right to hunt, fish, and trap, but now they have taken the right to petition to a whole new level. If you don't know about the hunt that's caused the drama, it was a legal hunt in Southern Africa, filmed for the show Winchester's Deadly Passion. The picture that sparked the outrage was of the star host kneeling behind a large, mature, male lion. Melissa also harvested quite a few other, all legal, animals while on this trip. The safari had to have cost an astronomical amount of money, considering a lion tag alone will cost you a cool twenty grand. What most people may not understand, is most of this money, and meat from the harvests, goes to taking care of the towns and people living in the wild African bush.
It certainly did not pacify animal rights activists, who immediately persuaded Cape Town resident Elan Burman to create the petition to ban Melissa Bachman from south Africa. Believe it or not, nearly 15,000 people had signed the petition by the morning of November 16th.
"Melissa Bachman has made a career out of hunting wildlife, for pure sport. Her antics are captured extensively on her personal website: She is an absolute contradiction to the culture of conservation, this country prides itself on. Her latest Facebook post features her with a lion she has just executed and murdered in our country."
This was taken directly from the petition website, which will eventually be sent directly to Department of Home Affairs, Ministry of Water and Environmental Affairs, and Private Office of the President.
This is not the first time Melissa has been singled out for her passion. In September of last year, she was booted off of a survival show hosted by the National Geographic channel. A gentleman by he name of Tim Martell viewed some of Bachman's photos, and obviously being an anti hunter, created a petition on (the same site that her current petition is on). The petition gained over thirteen thousand signatures, and within twenty four hours Melissa was removed from the show.

Was it enough to get her kicked off of a show for no real reason other than different views? Absolutely not. Many radical anti hunting groups, such as "Empty Cages Worldwide", had quite a few fans sharing their thoughts on the matter of lion hunting. Some were pretty mild, and some where down right inappropriate.
"Melissa Bachman you are a coward! You shoot a beautiful animal with a high powered rifle and think you are something special. I wonder what kind of a monster raised you, that you are so cruel to murder a lion. You have no sensitivity or compassion which makes you a very ugly person!" -Laurie Ann Breen, Empty Cages Worldwide
"Greedy heartless lowlife sewer scum.... let her run and I will hunt her with my bare hands and when I catch her ugly retarded ass I'll rip her head off and shit down her neck... then I'll take her head and hang it on the closest post for the world to see!! Fucking piece of wasted space!" Robyn James, Empty Cages Worldwide
"Kill yourself you fuckin whore. You are a worthless piece of shit and deserve to die painfully like all other hunters" -Greywolf Daniel Salvatori, The Anti-Hunting Movement.
"A monster pretending to be a woman, I would SO like to see her - and others like her - with an arrow in her neck, slowly bleeding out." Alexander Roberts, The Anti Hunting Movement
"This bitch deserves a bullet to finish her life, I am sure she will get one soon." -Anthony Lai, Empty Cages Worldwide
"What an absolutely disgusting person, I pray that the next time you hunt, it goes terribly right and the lovely animal gets to rip your fucking throat you vile peice of shit and that goes to every hunter out there!" -Raun Thomas James O'Boyle
"A monster pretending to be a woman, I would SO like to see her - and others like her - with an arrow in her neck, slowly bleeding out." Alexander Roberts, The Anti Hunting Movement
"This bitch deserves a bullet to finish her life, I am sure she will get one soon." -Anthony Lai, Empty Cages Worldwide
"What an absolutely disgusting person, I pray that the next time you hunt, it goes terribly right and the lovely animal gets to rip your fucking throat you vile peice of shit and that goes to every hunter out there!" -Raun Thomas James O'Boyle
Unfortunately, innocent bystanders are getting thrown in the crossfire. I've even had people to tell me to kill myself because I shared a photo on Instagram months ago of Melissa Bachman following me on Twitter.
Hopefully, Melissa can come out of this alive as she did before, but with anti hunters getting more bold in their actions, I really do fear for her safety. If you get anything from this article, I hope you become more aware of cyber bullying. Please be safe out there, and here's a tip from Rack Em Up on how to handle a violent anti-hunter & death threats.
"Reporting such to Facebook is a waste of time, report to Homeland Security or FBI only. They have to start an investigation of a death threat as a priority issue. Be sure take a clip of the thread to send that with the complaint but do not notify Facebook of the death threat, they will delete the post before the big boys get there with the warrants. You got to do it right to teach these people a lesson. Additional outlets should be sent to the media concerning death threats on Facebook. There are many ways to fight back, just be smart about it!"
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