As much as I hate too, I'm taking a side on this one. For the sake of upcoming huntresses, we need to better ourselves. Ladies, you know that all the men liking your bikini pictures don't like them because of your personality. I'm all for bikinis at the pool, but in the woods? They have no place whatsoever.
You should check out some of the facts in this video. Make sure to listen to the studies they did on men viewing pictures of ladies in bikinis. If you didn't watch it, I'll paraphrase for you,
"Brain scans revealed that when men are shown pictures of scantily clad women, the region of the brain associated with tools, such as screwdrivers and hammers lit up. Some men showed zero brain activity in the medial prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain that lights up when one ponders another person's thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Researchers found that shocking because they almost never see this part of the brain shut down in this way. And a Princeton professor said, "its as if they are reacting to these women as if they're not fully human. It is consistent with the idea that they are responding to these photographs as if they were responding to objects, not people." "
If that doesn't strike a nerve with you, then something's wrong. Essentially, it says when men see half naked women, that they don't look at them as people, but as objects. That's pretty deep stuff.
Now am I saying that we need to ditch the makeup, dress in men's clothes, and not care about our appearance? Absolutely not. Some people feel that make up is a necessity, while some think its a complete waste of time. Some people even think that donning makeup in the field makes us inadequate because of the tell tale make up smell. On that one, I say to each is own. Personally, I wear makeup. Why? Because I'm a woman and I feel pretty when I wear it; I feel confident. There are plenty of times I go out bare faced just because I'm too tired to fool with it. Has it affected my hunting abilities? Absolutely not. I've harvested animals with makeup on, makeup off, wearing all camo, wearing camo & blue jeans, heck even wearing camo that has some pink in it. My looks didn't affect the kill, but the pictures I posted later may have been my "first impression" to some people. If I was in shorty shorts with a bathing suit top on, they probably would have thought a lot differently about me. I may have get a bunch of "likes", but I can guarantee I would get some creepy messages too.
I honor of true journalism, I decided to ask opinions of some of the most true & hardcore huntresses I know.
Precious Kaczor of Hooked with Precious & Pete said "I feel some women in the hunting industry need to have more respect for themselves. To all the women hunters out there, I hope they think before they are posting pictures with barely any clothes on. Think of all the youth that are looking up to us, we need to set standards. God made everyone of us beautiful. We have the choice to choose right from wrong. I feel that women need to think about the future of hunting and not living in the moment of fame. For make-up I would say it is acceptable. It doesn't need to be overdone. Women should feel comfortable about themselves at all times. Hunting to Hooked with Precious and Pete is about the harvest, Its not about the fame on TV or social media. We are all about feeding our family the organic meat that comes in its original package. I feel that when someone is looking at you they should remember the awesome kill and great times with friends and family, not remembering that the a woman "had a nice rack"."
Sara Kirk Doyle, who prostaffs for Just for Does, Dirt Nap Gear, and Game Seekers Outdoors, stated "The only thing half naked women in camo are hunting for is attention. I think it's sad that girls don't have anymore self respect than that. Cover up what you don't want mosquito bit! And as far as makeup goes it really just depends on you as a person. As long as it's unscented and not too gaudy I don't have a problem with it. I like to put on lipstick after I kill something just for the pictures and because I'm a woman, I won't apologize for lipstick."
Now am I saying that we need to ditch the makeup, dress in men's clothes, and not care about our appearance? Absolutely not. Some people feel that make up is a necessity, while some think its a complete waste of time. Some people even think that donning makeup in the field makes us inadequate because of the tell tale make up smell. On that one, I say to each is own. Personally, I wear makeup. Why? Because I'm a woman and I feel pretty when I wear it; I feel confident. There are plenty of times I go out bare faced just because I'm too tired to fool with it. Has it affected my hunting abilities? Absolutely not. I've harvested animals with makeup on, makeup off, wearing all camo, wearing camo & blue jeans, heck even wearing camo that has some pink in it. My looks didn't affect the kill, but the pictures I posted later may have been my "first impression" to some people. If I was in shorty shorts with a bathing suit top on, they probably would have thought a lot differently about me. I may have get a bunch of "likes", but I can guarantee I would get some creepy messages too.
I honor of true journalism, I decided to ask opinions of some of the most true & hardcore huntresses I know.
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Precious Kaczor |
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Sara Kirk Doyle |
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Megan DeHaan |
I understand that women are going to dress how they want to dress. After all, this is America, and they have the right to pretty much do whatever they want. All I'm saying, is I have the right to say that I don't appreciate nor agree with it. Like I said earlier, bikinis are fine, in the right situations. Yes, I wear a bikini at the pool or the beach, I've worked hard to get back in to pre-baby clothes. But does that mean that once I reach my goal weight that I will post pictures of myself in said bikini with guns and calling it "hunting"? Nope. Women are making great leaps in this industry, and we're growing in number every single day. We need to show that we are as skilled as the men, not just prettier posing in the gear. Lets step up, have some respect for ourselves and let our kills do the talking.
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